Aroma Series

Fact that you need to know:

ESSENTIAL OILS plays an important role in today's modern living. Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure. Many of us take supplements or nutritional products in the market, nevertheless often once we stop, our body just revert back to normal and doesn't seem to improve better. But not in the case of using Aroma Essential Oil. After using it over a long period of time, our bodily conditions continue to improve even when we stop using in. This often known as AROMATHERAPY (Treatment with extracted essence of aromatic plants).

Do you have the following symptons?
1. Lack of Energy
2. Gets tired Easily
3. Migraine
4. Fever
5. Breathing Difficulty
6. Emotional Instability
7. Allergy
8. Gets sick Easily
9. Muscle Ache
10. Sensitive Skin
11. Difficult to conceive
12. Depression
13. Menstrual Ache

Our Amylinear first grade Aroma essential oils can help you to live healthily. More than 20 types of pure essential oil, 2 base oils plus 3 ready mixed oils.

The uniquenss of our Essential Oils:
1. Medically used in Germany and covered by Insurance.
2. One of the 1st grade Essential oils.

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